198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
What is an SSL Certificate? Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are used to establish an encrypted connection between a browser or user's computer and a server or website. SSL certificate, ssl

Why You Need an SSL Certificate:

Establish trust and online security for your website visitors and business. Additionally, All websites need SSL by July 2018 to remain credible with Google.

How We Do It

First, we set up a web meeting to establish access to your website. Then we request a certificate from Let's Encrypt. Finally, we activate the SSL and setup auto renewals of the certificate to ensure it never expires.

SSL certificate, ssl
SSL certificate, ssl
SSL certificate, ssl

How is your SSL certificate free?

We use a free, auto-renewing certificate from Let’s Encrypt, a one-of-a-kind certificate authority that specializes in free and simple domain-validated certificates.

Why should I need to pay for your service?

The fees we charge are for our time and expertise to remotely help you acquire and correctly install an SSL certificate.  We take special care to adjust your website settings to work with “https://” in a way that doesn’t accidentally lose your SEO value.

Keep in mind, you are not paying for the certificate itself, as we use Let’s Encrypt free certificates whenever possible.

What is the encryption level and validation type of your free SSL Certificate?

As part of our service, we configure your web hosting to acquire and automatically renew a certificate from Let’s Encrypt every 90 days (this is just one neat part of how their system works).  We request a 2048-bit certificate using an RSA key pair.  The certificate uses the X.509 standard, and the certificate issued is for the general purpose of domain validation.

Is my web hosting provider compatible with your free SSL certificate?

Not all web hosting providers are compatible with the free, auto-renewing SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. If we determine your hosting is not compatible with Let’s Encrypt, we will either assist you with installing a different type of certificate from your provider or refund your money.

How long does it take to get SSL installed in my site?

Our goal is to schedule your installation time within 1 business day for Quick SSL Conversions, and 1 to 3 business days with True SSL Conversions.

Realistically, how soon is mostly up to you.  We totally understand you’re a busy professional and it may take an extra day or two to schedule something depending on your availability.  We are in not in any hurry and also prefer to take the correct, non-rushed steps to convert your site to HTTPS.

Fortunately, we use a simple booking link that allows you to pick your time without all the back-and-forth of scheduling.

How much do you charge?

Web hosting providers that do not support Let’s Encrypt often have certificates they sell for $75 to $350 per year.  We offer our service for a flat one-time fee of $70. No hidden fees or surprises.