Why You Need an SSL Certificate:
Establish trust and online security for your website visitors and business. Additionally, All websites need SSL by July 2018 to remain credible with Google.
How We Do It
First, we set up a web meeting to establish access to your website. Then we request a certificate from Let's Encrypt. Finally, we activate the SSL and setup auto renewals of the certificate to ensure it never expires.

How is your SSL certificate free?
Why should I need to pay for your service?
Keep in mind, you are not paying for the certificate itself, as we use Let’s Encrypt free certificates whenever possible.
What is the encryption level and validation type of your free SSL Certificate?
Is my web hosting provider compatible with your free SSL certificate?
How long does it take to get SSL installed in my site?
Realistically, how soon is mostly up to you. We totally understand you’re a busy professional and it may take an extra day or two to schedule something depending on your availability. We are in not in any hurry and also prefer to take the correct, non-rushed steps to convert your site to HTTPS.
Fortunately, we use a simple booking link that allows you to pick your time without all the back-and-forth of scheduling.